Infinity Consulting and Training Solutions

Achieving a Safe Workplace


Develop and deploy the skills to create a culture of safety in your organization.


Essentials of Safety Leadership

The level of safety in any organization is heavily influenced by leadership. Embed the skills to increase the level of trust and confidence employees have in your leaders that will allow them to guide others in engaging in safe work practices.

Essentials of Effective Safety Coaching Conversations

A safe work environment is created by the conversations that occur or don’t occur. Teach employees a straight-forward coaching model that will establish a common language and drive down your Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR).

The Power of Questions

When time pressures exist, the use of questions drops dramatically and an overuse of closed questions becomes a bad habit. This leads to a significant gap in communication and increased levels of risk. Learn powerfully simple techniques for using the power of questions to achieve a safe work environment.

Essentials of Behavior-Based Safety

Create an incident free culture by teaching employees how to identify at risk behaviors, assess their own level of risk tolerance, and gain commitment from themselves and others to eliminating at risk acts.