Infinity Consulting and Training Solutions

All posts tagged Conflict

You can’t have a million-dollar dream and look, speak, and act like a classless act of jerkiness. If you want to grow your success and reach your potential, you must Read more

Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent free in your head. ~Unknown Have you noticed the majority of people are unhappy? One poll showed only 1 in 3 U.S. adults Read more

How people live each day is their choice; how it impacts you is yours.  8 out of 10 people have a negative attitude. They think and speak in limiting terms Read more

We’re taught to communicate at a very young age. Unfortunately, for some people, they learn to become very irritating as they progress in age.   Think of the person you Read more

Four of the top five destroyers of employee engagement are a management / leadership issue. Are they present in your organization? Here’s how to find out. I’m writing this article Read more

People do not rise beyond the limitations of their blind spots without an effective plan to deal with them. Here are 6 that, left unchecked, will destroy careers and render Read more

The forces of complexity, globalization, and technology are accelerating change and increasing volatility. The organizations that sustain success will be those that have an establish management accountability. Think of an Read more

Average people talk in terms of activities and tasks. People who stand out only talk in terms of accomplishments and results. Here’s how they do it.   Recently while attending Read more

Mistakes are a part of life. Recovering from them can be one of the biggest challenges in life. These 4 rarely used phrases help you overcome your mistakes to live Read more

The outcome from any conflict should not be victory, but progress. A lesser appreciated yet more powerful outcome is increased levels of influence. Here’s the secret to converting any conflict Read more