Infinity Consulting and Training Solutions

The Super-Simple Formula Everyone Can Use to Achieve Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom is very attainable if you simply stop making the same mistake 90% of all Americans make every day.

Would you make this investment?

  • The inveWould You Make This Investmentstment consumes 75% – 85% of your waking hours.
  • You are required to invest all of your money.
  • You are required to compete with your colleagues in order to have a chance at being eligible for any return on your investment. The overwhelming majority of people will receive between 0% – 1.5% annual return, and owners will tell you that you are among the lucky ones.
  • The maximum annual return that is possible is 3% – 4%, and only the elite (those who invest higher amounts of time, effort, and sacrifice) are eligible. Even with their super human efforts, there is no guarantee they will receive any return whatsoever.
  • The investment is of the highest risk because you could lose it all at any time for reasons outside of your control and / or for reasons you almost never see coming.

Given those terms, would you make this investment?

The obvious answer is NO!

Yet chances are extremely high you are one of the 8 (in 9) people in the U.S. who purposefully chose that exact investment. It’s one that will never allow you to achieve financial freedom.

What investment am I referring to, you wonder?

You are an employee, and as an employee, you are investing in building someone else’s dream.

The Upside and Downside of Being an Employee

Pretty young lady taking a decision with scale above her headLet’s examine the upside and downside of this investment as an employee.

Upside of your investment: Limited

It’s limited because it is always capped by the minuscule salary increases you might receive, most of which are contingent on a list of variables even the smartest rocket scientists would have a hard time calculating.

Downside of your investment: Unlimited

Your downside is always unlimited because getting fired (as I did in December 2006) or laid off will cause your salary and the significant investment of your time, your dedication, and your sacrifice to disappear faster than a changing traffic signal.

If you want to achieve financial freedom, you will not get there working for someone else. I had to learn this amazingly simple truth the hard way.

Oh wait, you need further evidence that this is true? Conduct your own research. If you review the IRS statistics or other sources (such as Forbes) regarding individuals who clearly have achieved financial freedom, you will not find one person who did so solely by working for someone else as an employee.

The Super Simple Formula for Achieving Financial Freedom Is….

Formula for Financial FreedomSo how do people achieve financial freedom, and can anyone do what they did to achieve it?

The super simple answer is YES, and anyone can use the super-simple formula to get there!

Financial freedom is the result of investing in yourself and others, of taking calculated risks with favorable odds, and of habitually repeating the same small steps of a proven process that yields success.

The only way to achieve financial freedom is to start your own business! The beauty of owning your own business is you can do it part-time.

But which businesses present the greatest potential for setting you financially free? They can vary, yet the businesses with the greatest potential share a few common characteristics that are easy to spot when you know what to look for.

The 5 Characteristics of the Right Business for Achieving Financial Freedom

In my article How to Spot and Seize the Next Big Opportunity for Massive Success, I shared 5 questions that, when answered “YES”, reveal a business opportunity that has real potential and is worth exploring further! The 5 questions are:

  1. Is the product or service entering an untapped market?
  2. Is there little-to-no competition?
  3. Is the product or service highly scalable?
  4. Is the product or service built on the principle of the compound effect?
  5. Is the process highly repeatable?

Becoming an Ambit Energy Independent Consultant is the one business opportunity that possesses all 5 characteristics of a high growth, massive success business.

How You Can Build Financial Freedom on a Part Time Basis with Ambit Energy

Ambit EnergyWorking under the coaching and mentorship of our business partner and top 30 earner Mr. Ralph Irizarry, my wife and I launched our Ambit Energy business in Virginia in January 2014. Our business is growing rapidly in this brand new market, and as a result of the business principle the compound effect, we project achieving financial freedom within the next 24 – 36 months.

While 97% of the people we share the Ambit Energy business opportunity with have never heard of the company, that excites us because Ambit Energy is experiencing explosive growth through lightning-fast market penetration. The company reached $1billion in sales faster than global giants Google, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, and Facebook!

The ingenious business model is simple: we don’t sell anything. We help people save money on their energy bills by simply referring them to Ambit Energy. Very similar to the friends and family referral process used by cell phone companies. As independent consultants, my wife and I have the added bonus of earning a residual commission for not only helping people save money. We also get a commission for teaching others how to help people save money.

Now many of you will read this article and decide to continue to be one of the 8 in 9 Americans who unconsciously and habitually get up every day going to work building somebody else’s dream. In return for your ongoing investment, you get less freedom, less opportunity for input, less control over your present and future, and practically no chance of ever becoming financially free. And that is OK if that’s what you prefer to do.

Some of you are intrigued and want to learn a little more. If you are one of those people, answer these questions:

Would you invest in your own business if your business…

  • Can be started for a minimal, one-time business start-up investment cost less than $440?
  • Offers a service everyone in America uses?
  • Offers the services at below retail prices?
  • Does not require product education because everyone already uses it?
  • Does not require you to sell anything because you simply refer people?
  • Does not require any change in the way consumers buys and uses the service?

The Upside and Downside of an Ambit Energy Business

Ambit Energy Highly Rated by JD PowerUpside to Starting Your Ambit Energy Business: Unlimited

By helping people save money and teaching others how to do the same, your business has unlimited potential for growth. Over time, the compound effect transforms your business into an income generator that provides enough recurring income on a monthly basis to pay all of your bills.

Downside to Starting Your Ambit Energy Business: Limited

You save money on your energy bills (natural gas and / or electricity), and if you refer just 15 people to Ambit Energy, you qualify for the opportunity to get free energy. All for just helping people save money on services they already use every single day of their lives.

Yet there is so much more.


The Time is Now. Financial Freedom Awaits You. Contact Us Today!

To learn more about Ambit Energy as a business opportunity:

There are very few business opportunities of this magnitude that come along in a lifetime. The deregulation of energy in America has created this one, and I’ve just made you aware of it.

The choice is yours. The fact is the energy revolution that is sweeping across America will go on with or without you.

Make the right choice, and join the rapidly increasing ranks of people who are building a future where they will live their lives their own way, on their own terms.

It’s the best investment you can make because it means you are investing in yourself and in those you care most about. We look forward to helping you grow your success and achieve financial freedom.


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