Infinity Consulting and Training Solutions

How to Create Stunning Original Graphics for Free

Creating graphics like a content marketing PRO is as easy as clicking and dragging images into place.

Create Stunning Original Graphics for FreeIf you want to beat your competition, you have to find ways to stand out from the crowd. The fastest way to do that is to produce high quality engaging graphics and add a little copywriting savvy to the mix.

With these 3 FREE tools, you can now create stunning original graphics in a matter of minutes.



Canva Graphic

Sardek delivering a Keynote speech in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia using a graphic created in Canva

Need to create amazing graphics for presentations, blog articles, social media posts, posters, flyers, and events? If yes, Canva is the tool of choice. Click and drag your own graphics into the pre-arranged templates, and you can continuously crank out original images like the PROs.

I use Canva-created images in my Keynote presentations, and my graphics are cited as one of the most valuable contributions I make to international audiences. That’s powerful!



If you want to edit images to create original graphics, PicMonkey is your one-stop-shop for editing and resizing till your heart is content. The tool also comes with a humongous list of tutorials so that you can quickly unleash your creativity like a dog bolting through an open front door.


This app-based tool is designed specifically for small businesses to help them save time in creating visual social media content on the fly. The app has a ton of quality stock images, and it enables you to quickly and easily add your logo to create branded social media images (upgraded paid accounts). It’s a powerful tool for the time when you want an upgrade to the options offered in Canva or PicMonkey.


No longer do you have to pay hundreds of dollars to a graphic designer to produce high-quality original images. These 3 tools take the guesswork out of image creation. All it takes is a few minutes and your creativity.

For more practical tips and strategies for creating content marketing that positions you as an authority in your niche, explore more of this website, subscribe to this blog, and follow me on social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook). By doing so, you will have access to daily inspirational and motivational quotes that will drive your success trajectory upward. So don’t delay, follow me and think yourself to success today!


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