Infinity Consulting and Training Solutions

How to Live a Life of Amazing Happiness and Success

Unhappiness is not knowing our purpose for living and killing ourselves to live without it.

How to Live a Life of Amazing Happiness and SuccessI’m always surprised when people tell me they were intimidated before they met me in person. When I ask why, the consistent answer is I appear to be so darn happy and successful. OK, I’m guilty as charged.

There is nothing magical about my joy or my success at this point in my life. It’s a choice, and that choice began with having a clearly defined WHY (also known as your purpose for living).

Having a clearly defined WHY is the key to success because, as Friedrich Nietzsche said, when you know your WHY for living, you can endure almost any how.

So how do you find your WHY?

Using the quick reference graphic, follow this simple proven 4 step process to develop a powerful WHY in under 15 minutes.

How to Find Your Why

Click to enlarge graphic

1. What Do You Enjoy Doing?

Using brainstorming techniques, make a list of things you thoroughly enjoy doing.

2. What are You Good At?

Now make another list of the skills you possess that enable you to stand out from the crowd? Ask your colleagues, friends, and family members for their input as they may identify stand out talents you have you don’t recognize as such.

Compare the two lists and identify the things that appear on both lists. Make a new list and call it your PASSION list.

3. What Do People Want?

Using your PASSION list, place a check mark next to all items that can serve as a solution to problems, challenges, and pain points people experience.

4. What Can You Get Paid to Do?

Based on the very targeted list of things you do that you enjoy, are good at, and can solve peoples’ problems, circle the items you can market yourself as an expert and get paid to do.

It’s a good idea to repeat this simple 4 step process multiple times and don’t forget to ask people you know, love, and trust to contribute to your WHY defining exercise.


This process will reveal your WHY.

Then it’s a matter of having the courage to make the changes necessary to live your life on a powerful purpose. It has worked for me since 2007, and it can work for you too.

For more practical tips and strategies for living a life of amazing happiness and success, subscribe to this blog, explore more of this website, and follow me on social media (TwitterLinkedInYouTubeInstagram, and Facebook). By doing so, you will have access to daily inspirational and motivational quotes that will drive your success trajectory upward. So don’t delay, follow me and think yourself to success today!


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