Infinity Consulting and Training Solutions

6 Irrefutable Laws of Personal Success (Part I)

Laws of Personal Success

Picture courtesy of Flickr user Phil Roeder

In the first of a two part article series, you will learn about three of the six laws of personal success and be given tools for implementing the actions required to create enduring success in your life.

Success, like failure, is an internal job. Both are the result of your way of thinking, and the habits that are formed as a result of your thoughts. Successful people know they must continuously exercise their success muscles to build against the inevitable times where failure will occur. Are there lessons we can learn from those who continue to succeed regardless of the challenges they face? Absolutely! In fact, there are 6 laws anyone can master that will create the foundation for enduring personal success. What follows are the first 3 laws of personal success and tips and strategies for implementing them into your daily life.

The Law of Direction

The average person goes through life without having a plan. Talk to any successful person, and they always have a vision of what success looks like. They either decided to do something new and innovative or build upon something already in existence to do it better than anyone else. They started by developing that vision of success and a mission of how they would achieve it. The best tool I’ve ever seen on developing an effective personal vision and mission statement can be found in Jack Canfield’s book “The Success Principles”. By completing the Life Purpose Exercise, I created the following powerful guiding statement: “My mission in life is to use my creative thinking and problem solving skills to help others invent a better future through the expression of their talents and strengths.” This blog is the complete manifestation of me executing on my personal mission. Complete the same exercise, and you will also be able to develop a mission statement that will become a great guide for your success.

The Law of Execution

The average person goes through life dreaming about success. Successful people live by one motto: Dare. Dream. Do. They take action by developing a plan and executing it, constantly refining and adapting as circumstances require. The first step in plan development is creating goals and writing them down. Failure to do so keeps you among the average, the “ordinary” crowd. Over the years, I perfected a SUCCESS plan that works for me. An additional resource you can use to help you define what makes you different from everybody else can be found in the Success Magazine article Be a Brilliant Online Marketer. The exercise listed in the “getting started” section of the article is the best approach I’ve seen to help you identify what differentiates you from everybody else. Use these tools to create a plan in which personal success becomes an inevitable outcome.

The Law of Accountability

As creatures of habit that are filled with a natural inclination to judge others, it is quite normal that most people blame others for their circumstances. But doing what comes natural keeps you ordinary. Successful people live by one important law of personal success – they accept accountability for every choice they make regardless of the outcome. This is not easy to do, especially when the outcome is that of failure! Success (and failure) is based on the combination of choices we make every single day, and successful people are pros at taking accountability for every single choice they make. Build in this same habit, and you will immediately begin to see improved results because your “trust-ability”, reliability, and “success-ability” automatically goes up.

Use the next 7 days to begin taking the actions necessary to begin living by the first three laws of personal success. By doing so, you are laying the foundation for developing the habits of successful people, and you will begin to see results in a matter of weeks. And don’t forget to come back next week to read part II of the series so that you will have the complete set of laws of personal success and excellent tips and resources to implement them into your daily activities.

For more tips and strategies on thinking your way to success, explore more of this website, subscribe to this blog, and follow me on social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook). By doing so, you will gain access to leading edge research on management and leadership development and have access to daily inspirational and motivational quotes that will drive your success trajectory upward. So don’t delay, follow me and think yourself to success today!


I love your programs and writings. Thanks for sharing!

Thank YOU so much Margarita! I sincerely appreciate your compliment!


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